What Men Can Use If They Want to Ask: “How Attractive Am I?”

“How attractive am I?” is a question men often ask themselves when they’re worried about finding a woman who will like them.
Despite what many are led to believe, men aren’t immune from having insecurities, especially when it comes to their looks and overall charisma.
The way you present yourself and how this affects the way people see you tend to be important when it comes to dating. After all, the goal is to find someone you like who will also be interested in getting to know you better.
This is why it’s common for guys to wonder about their dating chances and ask themselves questions like “How attractive am I?”
But while this was something that was difficult to answer objectively before, now there are tools available that men can use to evaluate themselves and determine just how appealing they are in the eyes of the ladies.
Am I Attractive: Things Men Are Starting to Wonder About
With modern technology comes a lot of opportunities to connect with people from all over the world.
Online dating, for example, has made it more convenient to find someone with whom you can nurture a special bond. There is a global platform where you can present yourself and what you believe are your best qualities to hopefully draw the attention of women who are looking for exactly what you have to offer.
Unfortunately, technology has also made it easy to compare yourself to others. Your self-esteem can take a hit and you’ll be compelled to doubt your worth.
Do women find me charming? How attractive am I physically? Will someone even consider me an ideal partner?
These are some of the intrusive thoughts that men can struggle with if they’re not confident in themselves.
Do you have a pleasing personality?
Personality and disposition are among the things that you can look into when asking “How attractive am I?”
These factors contribute to how well you can connect with a woman you like and how easy it will be for you to bond with each other. Your personality also affects how you talk and move in the world, which also determines the way you present yourself and how others perceive you.
The most common personality traits that are considered attractive include a great sense of humor, confidence, and kindness.
Do the ladies think you have a handsome face?
Though it’s true that someone’s personality is what ends up making the biggest impression, it’s also hard to deny that physical appearance can still be important.
When rating how attractive a man is, a lot of people will often take into account his looks. While the results are subjective, everybody usually has a common criteria and references that influence their ideal qualities.
Some examples of physical traits often associated with guys being conventionally attractive are good hair, a prominent jaw, and a winsome smile.
Common Types of Attractiveness Tests Men Can Use
The question “How attractive am I?” is difficult enough to approach because of all the factors involved. It can be even more challenging when you don’t know where to start.
Since attraction as a concept is highly subjective, there’s no guarantee that the results you’ll get are 100% accurate. The qualities that some women consider to be attractive may not be the same for others.
But if you want to gain some insight that can help you better understand yourself and your dating chances, then below are some methods that you can explore:

You can try online attractiveness tests that can help you gain a new perspective and encourage you to improve yourself.
Using an attraction scale in surveys
You can try conducting an informal survey by asking the people whose opinion matters to you to rate how attractive they find you.
The participants you end up choosing can represent the general public, so you can get a glimpse of how the rest of the world, particularly ladies you may be interested in dating, see you.
You can provide them with a scale or criteria with which they can rate your physical and personality traits. You can also show them statements that describe your qualities in positive or negative ways, and let them agree or disagree accordingly.
Finding the people to do this kind of survey can be tricky since you need to ask those you trust but who will also give you their honest opinion, even if they might worry about hurting your feelings. Your respondents should also be varied enough that the results aren’t too biased.
If you’re not comfortable with involving other people, there are also tests and quizzes that you can answer by yourself.
These kinds of attractiveness tests are primarily for self-assessment, where the goal is for you to examine how you feel about your best and worst qualities. You can even put yourself in the shoes of others and analyze how attractive you believe you are to them.
Sometimes, you can discover things about yourself that can only be unlocked with the right questions and thought exercises.
Using the facial harmony test and other AI tools
Aside from the opinion of people, you can also turn to math and computers to answer the question “How attractive am I?”
There are plenty of attractiveness test AI programs online that utilize algorithms and mathematical models. These tools analyze the physical appearance of a person, usually their face.
A popular example is the Facial Harmony Test, which looks into how proportional your facial features are in relation to each other and how they contribute to the overall balance of your face.
To test your facial harmony, a program looks into how symmetrical your face is. The more identical the right side of your face is to the left, the higher your facial harmony is and the more attractive you are under this parameter.
Another aspect of facial harmony is the Golden Ratio, which is a mathematical principle that dictates ideal proportions. A program will measure the length of your face against its width, and the goal is to get a score that is as close to the value of 1.618 as possible.
Similar to facial harmony, some AI tools also make use of a set of aesthetic proportions called the neoclassical canons. Developed in the 17th and 18th centuries, they were used by famous artists and anatomists as a reference for the ideal shape of the human body to make their works of art.
Why You Should Never Ask “Am I Ugly?”
While there is nothing wrong with doing some self-reflection every once in a while, it’s also important that you do it for the right reasons.
You should also be careful about relying too much on the opinions of other people or the calculations of a computer program to judge your self-worth. There’s a world of difference between asking, “How attractive am I?” and “Am I too ugly to find true love?”
You should see these online surveys and tests as tools that can help you consider different perspectives and make plans to improve yourself. They shouldn’t be the only truth that you believe in.
Attraction is and has always been a nebulous concept. You can try to find out how attractive you are according to the most common criteria out there, but in the end, the opinion of the woman you end up pursuing is still the one that will matter most.