How to Initiate a Conversation With a Love Interest

Even if you are not naturally good at how to initiate a conversation, you can learn how to do so.
Do you get nervous at the thought of striking up a conversation with a complete stranger? The good news is, even if talking isn’t your forte, you can still learn how to initiate a conversation.
Contrary to popular belief, small talk is an important part of human social interaction. It helps you find common ground and social interests as you break the ice. However, it can be extra daunting if you’re wondering about how to open a conversation with a girl you like.
Remember that you can’t always rely on them to make the first move. Eventually, you’ll have to improve your social skills and approach them on your own. But don’t you worry—we’re here to give you some useful tricks to help you along!
How Do You Approach a Girl You Like?
Use the following tips to help you go from complete strangers to good friends, and maybe even more than that, in no time:
Keep a Positive Attitude
We’re aware that you’re anxious, but try to keep it to yourself by striking up a light conversation first. Relax your shoulders and smile. Resist the urge to ask personal questions immediately.
Instead, crack a joke or make a remark about something in your surroundings, as these can be useful in building rapport, but always read the room. Avoid making comments about a specific body part or controversial news that may come across as rude or offensive.
Ask About What She Enjoys Doing
If you’re wondering how to start a conversation with an unknown girl online, you can definitely open a conversation by asking about her interests and hobbies. You can look it up on her profile and ask her more about it.
From there, you can branch off your conversation to something you both like. Do you both enjoy playing the piano? Do you root for the same sports teams? Even just one common interest can spark good conversations.
Be Attentive to What She Says
Being present is the most crucial thing you can do when speaking with someone. While getting details is a good way to keep the conversation going, you should not do it at the expense of changing the topic or interrupting them. Allow the conversation to flow organically.
This also helps you determine whether her stories make sense or if she is simply lying to you for all the wrong reasons. Don’t be easily distracted by a pretty face!
Offer Her a Compliment
A pleasant conversation can start when you give someone you just met a compliment. A little flattery will always help ease any tension or anxiety they may be feeling about you. You can say something like:
“Your dress really suits you! Yellow must be your color.”
“Your eyes are a pretty shade of brown.”
“You’re very talented. Your art looks amazing.”
These are just some examples of how you can start a conversation on a more positive note. Whether or not you get a response back, take comfort in the fact that you made someone’s day by being kind.
Know When to End the Conversation
You might let your nervousness about how to keep a conversation going with a girl get the better of you and ramble on about anything, but it is really not getting anywhere.
Know that you can always pause the conversation or, better yet, recognize when someone is not showing the same level of interest. Just let her know that you had a good time and wish her well. Instead of taking rejection personally, consider it a reflection of their personal preferences.
Choice of Topics to Keep a Girl’s Interest

When figuring out how to keep a conversation going with a girl you like, trying new things together is a good idea.
Let’s say you captured her interest and the conversations have been flowing all good. To keep the spark of interest going, here’s a list of engaging conversation topics:
Your Favorite Food and Drinks
Since it is a fairly casual and relatable topic, discussing food and beverages with your crush can be a good way to spark more conversations. Doing so can help you learn about each other’s likes and dislikes.
In learning that, making plans is made easier moving forward. Now you can try out restaurants together, which is always a fun way to spend quality time together and build up your relationship. Additionally, this can also reveal aspects of your crush’s personality, such as her sense of adventure.
Your Pop Culture Favorites
Because this topic is always evolving, you’ll always have things to discuss. Your conversation can branch off from your favorite apps, trending entertainment news, your opinion of certain movies or series, or even gush about your favorite characters. It would be fun to learn that you happen to idolize or despise the same movie characters and start having inside jokes about them.
Your Idea of a Perfect Date
Generically, the idea of a perfect date is where you’re both comfortable with each other and are having fun. But to have an idea of what they want, the best thing to do is ask.
Don’t assume that just because you frequently see women on social media wanting grand and public affection, it is true for all women. Ask her how she defines a romantic date and then take it from there. You can jot it down on your notes app so you won’t forget!
Your Turn-ons and Turn-offs
The main purpose of dating is for two people to gauge one another’s compatibility as long-term companions. What better way to learn more about each other’s preferences than to discuss your biggest turn-ons and turn-offs, both in your relationship and in general?
You can start by saying, “I’m not a fan of people who are rude to waiters. What about you?” Or, “I like it when somebody cooks for me. It makes me feel special. How about you? What do people do to make you feel special?”
There’s no better approach to get a vibe from someone you’re interested in than to learn how to initiate a conversation. Once you’re confident they are also into you, you can steer the conversation in a more flirtatious direction. For the time being, prepare yourself, relax, take courage, and be patient. What’s meant to be yours will be yours!