1st Date Tips: How Not to Mess Up Your First Meeting

You finally asked the girl you liked to date with you but you’re unsure what to do. You better learn these 1st date tips before you go out.
Well, well, well. It looks like you managed to ask someone out on a date with you. Wait—what’s that? You didn’t know you’d get this far? And you don’t know what to do on a date? Well, don’t you worry! Everybody has to start somewhere and that is totally fine! You’re nervous, and it’s understandable.
If you have no idea what to do on your first date, you might want to sit down and take note of these 1st date tips so things will go smoothly. You surely won’t want to miss out on any of them.
Pre-Date Preparation
Do you have any idea what you’re getting into? Have you prepared what to do on your date? When you are going on a date, you need to prepare yourself for what to do, what comes next, and what will happen. Remember, planning is only half the battle. And if you’re able to prepare well, then your date will go on smoothly. Here are some pre-date preparations you need to know:
Where Are You Going?
You need to know where you’re taking your date. You can’t just bring them somewhere random. But first, you need to know what your date likes.
Ask them if they’re into daytime date activities such as going outdoors, hiking, or fishing. If they’re not into extreme fitness or any extra physical activities, how about a stroll around the park, outdoor galleries, or zoos?
Oh… Is your date not into outdoor activities or rather would they prefer nighttime activities? Don’t sweat it! Taking your date out for dinner might be common, but it’s the safest option to do. You can spice it up by bringing them to a music bar and enjoying the tunes while drinking some cocktails.
Is Your Date Legit?
Okay. Let’s say you found your date through an online dating app. A lot of the time, too many catfishes and fake accounts are swimming around in those applications. So you need to make sure that whoever you’re dating is real.
But how do we know they’re real and not some poser trying to scam people? First, check out their profile. Even if they’re verified, chances are they were able to bypass security. Try to see if their images are made by AI, cropped, or altered.
If you can access their social media accounts, do a little stalking; it wouldn’t hurt to try. Check whether their pictures match their profiles and whether AI or chatbots do not generate the number of people they follow.
What Are You Wearing?
It’s very important to dress for the right occasion. You can’t just show up to your date looking too casual as if you’re off to buy some cigarettes from the convenience store. Have some class. Even if the setup is casual, look your best—not your Sunday best, but something that says “I’m comfy, but I want to put in the effort.”
Are you going on an outdoor or physical activity with your date? Dress up accordingly. You don’t need branded sportswear; you just have to look like you’re getting active. For a chill outdoor activity, wear something light, warm, and friendly to the eyes.
How about if you’re going on a slightly higher-budget dinner? Then make yourself look sharp. Remember, you don’t need flashy jewelry and branded clothes to make yourself look good. Play with your wardrobe, look up some fashion advice; learn to make yourself presentable.
If you can and if you’re able to buy one, wear a suitable cologne or perfume. Make sure it’s not too strong that it would burn your date’s nose. If you don’t know which one to wear, you can always ask your local perfume salesman which ones to wear for a specific occasion.
Do You Have the Budget?
Don’t go on a date without money. You wouldn’t know what else you’d be doing after your date. Maybe you already spent so much for dinner, you wouldn’t have enough for a cab fare. Always carry money that’s enough for the two of you. Not only that, carry emergency cash.
Cash is important. These days, with modern feminism and gender progressiveness, women would love to pay for themselves or the date altogether. But here’s the thing: Whoever initiates the date, should pay for the date. But, if your date insists they want to pay or at least for their share, let them.
What to Do on The Date
Now that you’re all dressed up, set up, and ready to go, you need to understand that your behavior matters. Have some class, be light, don’t be too brooding, and liven up a bit.
Never point out something odd unless they say something about it. For example, you see that your date has a nasty scar on their forehead. Don’t say anything about it until it’s necessary or when you both achieve a form of intimacy.
Rule of thumb: never point out something that can’t be changed within 10 seconds. Here are some things that you should do and how to act on a first date:
Dating Etiquette
Show some courtesy and respect to your date. It doesn’t matter if they are late for a minute or 30 minutes. You don’t know what they went through; it doesn’t matter if they wasted your time. The fact that they showed up is already enough. Even if you feel disrespected about their tardiness, just let it slide.
Be aware of yourself. Avoid looking at your phone too much. Check when you only need to know the time or if someone called—that’s it. Don’t insult your date by constantly checking or being on your phone.
Conversations, Conversation Starters and Topics
When talking to your date, make sure they feel welcome to join the conversation. Don’t be afraid to talk about something controversial. A controversial topic allows both parties to use their minds; spicing up the conversation.
Talk about each other’s interests, jobs, life, and hobbies. Other than that, you can always talk about trends, movies, and pop-culture references. As much as possible, avoid talking about politics or religion, especially if you have opposing views. You don’t want your first date to turn into a debate, which isn’t a very good first impression.
A good conversation starts with a good question. But how should you ask questions?
Open-Ended Questions
Normally, you’d have a series of questions to ask on the first date. But not every question is a good conversation starter. And remember, you’re not conducting a job interview. RELAX and unwind yourself.
Casual open-ended questions like “What do you think of this place?” or “What made you say yes to the date?” make them open up to you. Once they start explaining, that’s when you get to know them on a personal level.
Comfortability and Openness
Don’t be too tense. If you’re feeling pressure, your date will also feel it. Breathe and go with the flow. Settle your nerves so you can focus on your date and intently listen to them.
Allow your date to be themselves. You can do that by showing bits of who you are. If your date sees that you are comfortable with them, they will follow suit.
Post-Date Activities
When the date is going well, what’s your next move? Remember, this is your first date with this person. You can’t just invite them over to your place unless they ask.
So let’s say, for example, you’re both having fun after having a few drinks in the music bar. It’s closing time, and you both aren’t ready to go home yet. What should you both do now?
Take A Long Walk Home
Now this depends on where you both live. If the location is safe and within walking distance, go for it.
Why take a cab when you can walk home and continue talking to each other? Burn the extra calories and see the sights from a different perspective. They say that walking each other home feels like you’re in the old days of dating. Walking together can be an intimate moment that creates a meaningful connection by showing your date that you treasure every minute with them.
Do note that your date may reject this proposition, especially because you’ve only just met them in person. A first date may not be enough time to get to know each other better, and your date may not want you to know where she lives—just yet. Don’t be too hard on yourself when this happens. Instead, see to it that she gets home safely by hailing a cab for her or walking her to her car.
A Quick Streetfood Bite
Have you ever noticed how some couples in movies go for some hotdogs after a date or spending time with each other? That’s because thinking of what to say and speaking what you’re thinking burns a lot of energy.
All this talking and doing activities is making you all hungry. Why not grab something to eat by the street or by the corner? Casually getting a quick bite to eat allows you to see a side of each other you normally wouldn’t see on a formal dinner date.
It’s a Guide, Not a Cheat Code
At the end of the day, how you perform matters. These 1st date tips are not the fastest way to win the heart of your date; it takes time and effort. This is merely a guide. Sometimes, they might not even be the one for you.
So don’t pressure yourself if the date goes bad. Not every date goes smoothly. Remember that every failure is an opportunity to learn. Nonetheless, don’t be afraid to take that first step to start your romantic journey!