Can the Law of Attraction Help You Attract Love?

Can the law of attraction up your romantic chances?
You may have heard about the law of attraction. It’s a popular self-help concept in which people get what they want through optimistic thinking. Various books and other media have covered the subject, contributing to its popularity.
Many apply that law to many aspects of life, including relationships. Some say it worked in wooing attractive men and women. However, others remain skeptical. Is the law of attraction real? Is it just a made-up, deluded concept?
Explaining This Universal Law
Before we get to the specifics, let’s discuss the law’s essence first.
The principle is one of 12 universal laws mentioned in Rhonda Byrne’s The Secret. Positivity makes up its core, suggesting it brings good things to people’s lives. Conversely, pessimism delivers negative outcomes. To put it simply, like attracts like.
The law was formally mentioned during the 2000s, but the concept isn’t novel. Its philosophy dates back to ancient times. In the words of the ancient Chinese philosopher Lao Tzu:
“Watch your thoughts; they become your words. Watch your words; they
become your actions. Watch your actions; they become your habits.
Watch your habits; they become your character. Watch your character;
it becomes your destiny.”
The 7 Laws of Attraction
The law operates under seven sub-laws. While they aren’t hard and fast rules, they’re worth considering regardless. Let’s go over each one briefly.
#1: Manifestation
Among the seven sub-laws, this one is arguably the most popular. It’s the one often associated with the main law itself.
When one manifests something, they constantly focus on a specific thing so it’ll happen in real life. It requires dedicating energy and attention to the present instead of dwelling on the past. When you do the former, you carve out a better future for yourself.
#2: Magnetism
This presents the main law’s core philosophy. People attract what they put out into the universe. Since attraction is always on the move, you’re a magnet that continually attracts what you release.
#3: Unwavering Desire
You can’t attract anything if you don’t zero in on that specific desire. This sub-law emphasizes that. If you want something to happen, do something. The law of attraction encourages optimistic thinking, but it doesn’t mean you should forget to take action.
For example, if you’re someone many consider conventionally attractive, don’t just rest on your laurels to win over somebody’s heart.
#4: Right Action
Your actions and decisions affect what you wish to attract. If you always do right by people, those good energies will likely come back to you.
Rough patches in your relationship can make bad behavior tempting. However, being the bigger person is always the better choice. Even if it doesn’t have an immediate payoff, you’ll thank yourself later for not stooping low.

Do you know what makes attractive men and women extra alluring? Pleasant auras.
#5: Delicate Balance
Life wouldn’t be what it is if the lows didn’t come with the highs. As much as the former sucks, they’re inevitable. Take your losses on the chin along with your wins.
Don’t take failures as black marks. Instead, view them as important lessons. Learn from them as you try to gain more victories.
#6: Universal Influence
Your choices don’t only affect you. They cause a ripple effect on others, from familiar faces to total strangers. If you don’t want to attract negativity, practice mindfulness in everything.
#7: Harmony
According to this sub-law, everything in the universe is connected. If you align yourself with its good vibrations, you’ll also see positive outcomes. It’ll feel like you’re flowing through life rather than fighting against it.
How Does This Law Work in Love?
Since this law encourages manifestation, it encourages people to be more receptive to romance. If someone was previously resistant to it, adopting the law will help them curb that urge.
Let’s paint a picture. Say you were always attracted to emotionally unavailable people. That tendency may reflect a similar inner quality you might not even be aware of.
Once you realize your ways, you stop and work on unlearning that tendency. Over time, you learn to see better options you previously ignored.
How to Apply the Law of Attraction in Dating and Relationships
Real-life love doesn’t play out the way it does in fairy tales. No random prince or princess will come in and turn your life around. Instead of waiting for an attractive woman or man to show up, why not fill that void yourself?
Bring a relationship to life through these ways:
#1: Break your barriers.
Is there something worrying you? Do your best to address them first. Otherwise, these will hold you back from fully enjoying relationships.
If you have residual pain from your past, for instance, take your time and heal before jumping into relationships. You’ll be a better lover (and person) for it.
#2: Visualize your wants and needs.
As you process your barriers, you may have also figured out your wants and needs. Actualize them by making them physical through vision boards. They give you snippets of your goals (in this case, relationships) before their physical manifestation.
The board doesn’t have to be fancy. Even a simple board with pictures is enough material. Hang this in an easily identifiable place.
#3: Surround yourself with (realistically) happy people.
Up your chances at attracting love by being with optimists. And not blind ones—we mean people who realistically see the joy in living despite ups and downs.
Being in the company of sour grapes does a person no good. Don’t waste your time with people who constantly drain the life out of you. What’s the use of hanging out with attractive women or men if they’re always in a surly mood?
#4: Let go of the steering wheel.
You might hate letting go of control, but you can’t always have your way. Life has many unpredictable things, and love is one of them. You can’t predict who you’ll fall for. It won’t happen when you want it, but it’ll come to you eventually.
The law of attraction isn’t set in stone, but you have nothing to lose if you follow it. You deserve great love with the partner of your dreams.