How Do You Cope With Being The Guy No Girl Wants?

a guy wallowing in the corner

So how do you cope being the guy no girl wants? Be confident and genuine because that’s all that matters.

Men are resilient to many things, be it insults, harsh words, or threats. They can take a punch, have their muscles pulled, or even suffer serious injuries, and they’ll still be okay. Sticks and stones can break their bones, but, do you know what hurts men most?

It’s when you break their confidence. Let a beautiful woman tell a man they’re not their type or they’re ugly, and they’d remember it and hold onto it. In the same way, if you let a random woman tell a man he’s handsome or looking really sharp, he’d treasure that compliment for a long time.

Men may not show it, but their emotions matter. In modern society, women are more difficult to woo, which means, it’s even harder for men to attract potential partners or relationships. Standards have never been higher.

So, how do you cope with being the guy no girl wants?

Social Media is Setting Unrealistic Standards

Content on Instagram and other social media applications like Facebook, Reddit, and X (formerly Twitter) are finetuned to appease the eyes of the demographic. Movies, television series, actors with highly chiseled bodies, or beautiful aesthetics have drastically changed women’s perception of men.

Just like women in the beauty industry, men’s beauty standards are setting the bar too unrealistically. They make average, good-looking men look too “boring” compared to what they see on social media; they got men saying “I wish I were 6’10.”

Fitness influencers (though not all of them) have been part of social media’s algorithm, making waves to set the bar of unrealistic expectations even more unrealistic. That’s why nowadays, we see men doing unhinged things just to conform to society’s beauty standards. You could say men and women are now suffering equally from the unrealistic expectations of society.

How Tall are You?

What’s the one thing a woman wants in a man?

Girthy muscles? No. An athletic build? Not really. Fat stacks of cash in a bank account? That’s one of them, but that’s not the main thing they want. Do you want to know what women seek first from a man? THEIR HEIGHT!

Women love men who are taller than them and it’s no secret at all. They love a dominant and authoritative presence looming over them—they just feel safe having someone like them. And to be fair, they say taller men are hot.

a guy holding a cup of coffee walking on the street

Women are attracted to tall men, but what height is considered tall?

But what height is considered tall for women?

Some say as long they’re 5 inches taller than them, that’s fine. But generally speaking, being six feet tall is enough. Then again, some women from the Nordic countries are naturally 5’8" or 5’9". Still, being a six-foot-tall guy is within their acceptable range.

A man’s height is what initially attracts women. Honestly, it could be scientifically explained. Since the time of the Neanderthals and cavemen walking around the Pangea, the females would only accept to mate with a caveman who looks physically dominant and has a display of hunting prowess.

What About the Little Guys?

If you think about it, tons of great looking actors are short. Tom Cruise is only 5’7", and he looks amazing. He may be dyslexic, but he has a charming smile, and a wild sense of life, and has accomplished so much as an actor.

What about the son of the Godfather himself, Michael Corleone a.k.a. Al Pacino? He is an amazing man, one of the best actors of all time, and a Hollywood icon—and he’s only 5’7".

Short kings should never worry. Just because someone admires a towering Oak tree doesn’t mean nobody admires a bonsai. So, should height be a concern? No. You can still be an amazing guy without having to tower over anyone physically.

Childish Men Are a Turn-Off

Women don’t want a grown child, they want a grown man. Can girls be attracted to a manchild? Absolutely not. Do you know who would love to marry a manchild? Probably those with daddy issues.

Women have maternal instincts, sure, but that doesn’t mean that you should act like a child. It’s okay to be a child at heart, but you must understand that women love mature, disciplined, and well-mannered men.

There’s a fine line between enjoying your hobbies and interests and being a full-blown kid. Women love it when men are genuinely themselves, so don’t be afraid to show your vulnerable side. A man can enjoy his toys and games, and have fun while understanding that he has responsibilities to take care of. A child only wants to have fun and has no sense of responsibility.

To Cope, to Adapt, or to Overcome?

How do you cope with being the guy no girl wants? Here’s the truth: if you don’t meet a woman’s standards, it’s not the end of the world. Everyone has their own preferences, and if you think no girl wants you because of who you are, you need to realize that there are over a billion people in the world. That said, someone wants you; you just haven’t met them yet. Maybe they’re in a different state or perhaps even a different country.

Should you conform to women’s standards? No. Someone out there has standards that fit you perfectly. Or better yet, set that standard yourself. When you attract people, you don’t chase them down and force your way into their hearts and minds. You highlight your features and draw them to you.

Everyone has unique qualities, beauty, and personalities. We are all different, and our differences make us individuals. Being unique makes you stand out from the rest. Nobody wants the same type of man seen on social media; they want a real person.

You’re More Attractive Than You Think You Are

Don’t let social media or modern-day appearances let you down. What women truly want is a man who’s genuine enough to be himself, has proper morals, and someone to make them feel secure whenever they don’t have it together.

You’re more special than you think you are. You need to change your mindset about how no girl wants you. Love yourself first before you seek others. Focus on how you want to see yourself; from there, people will gravitate towards you. Other men who are vertically, horizontally, or facially challenged can attract women because they make do with what they have.

Life hands you a deck of cards; learn to use them.