How to Make Her Like You in 9 Thoughtful Ways

If you are wondering how to make her like you, the best place to start is by being authentic.
The universe always has a fascinating way of turning events. You think you are doing great in life because you’re single and focused on your career. Then you meet an irresistible, attractive, intelligent woman. Now you’re here, trapped, wondering how to make her like you.
In all honesty, the challenge here is not just time, but also how you can keep her interested once all the hormones subside and the reality sets in. To begin, let us remind you of the most important thing you must embody before anything else: authenticity.
Trying to impress a girl by being pretentious isn’t the way to win her heart. As supported by Psychology Today, you absolutely do not have to alter who you are to be perceived as attractive. Instead, show her how passionate you are and how you embrace yourself, flaws and all.
When you exude confidence in your own skin, it naturally attracts women.
Easy Strategies to Make a Woman Like You
Now that you know the core of how to make a lady like you, let’s look at some other ways to make her want you more. Without a doubt, these tactics will lead you directly to her heart:
Be a Gentleman
Come on, this is the bare minimum. Women will remember how a man treated her with respect and understanding when you held the door for her, offered her a seat, or carried her bag. Don’t let chivalry die by mistaking sexual harassment as flirting. Now that we’re here, you must know the differences between the two.
Flirting vs Sexual Harassment
Flirting is an act of expressing fleeting or casual interest or liking. It can be a fun way to express interest without being too direct, such as making prolonged eye contact, touching hands, teasing, complimenting, and laughing together frequently.
Sexual harassment, on the other hand, is any unwanted sexual behavior that causes someone to feel uncomfortable, scared, or humiliated. Examples include pressuring her for dates or sex, using sexual innuendos, and discussing sexual fantasies.
Befriend Her
Build that connection first by being her friend. Be the confidant when she’s feeling low; take advantage of that to make her laugh. When you spend time getting to know her, you will have a better understanding of what stuff to talk about with a girl and what to avoid. This is your chance to discover similarities with her and do things together.
Avoid Being Too Clingy
Remember to take things easy. Based on research from “The Science Behind Why We Fall in Love,” falling in love can be an addictive rush due to the release of a jumble of chemicals in the brain caused by attraction.
You will likely become overly excited to be near her or receive any updates from her. That can be detrimental in the long run because it can foster feelings of insecurity and jealousy. It’s best if you give her enough space and avoid making yourself too available.
Invest in Your Physical Health
There is nothing more alluring than a man who appears fresh and fit. Make an effort to keep yourself healthy by making wholesome lifestyle decisions. Exercise, eat a balanced diet, and maintain good personal hygiene.
You should, for instance, take a shower, apply deodorant, and maintain a fresh breath when you meet her. For women, having bad breath or body odor is a big turn-off.

Do girls get attracted to guys who play guitar?” It turns out that they do!
Be Passionate About a Hobby
Women adore passionate men. It demonstrates your dedication to specific tasks as well as your overall personality. Let’s assume you enjoy photography. Show her how you work in capturing unique and meaningful photos. You can even ask her to be your muse and do a photoshoot of her. This makes you more appealing to a lady because you incorporate her into your hobbies.
Don’t Hold Back Your Opinions
We know you like her, but that does not mean you will stop standing up for your beliefs. Women appreciate men who are confident in expressing their opinions while remaining civil when they disagree with them. In fact, they will grow to admire your unique perspective and your openness in communicating. Never compromise your individuality to honor hers.
Make Time for Intimate Moments
It’s not a bad idea to make plans to spend time alone together as long as she feels comfortable. Is your favorite band playing a concert in your town? Invite her to come with you. Does she enjoy exploring coffee shops and restaurants? Ask her when she’s available.
You can never strengthen your bond unless you take the initiative to create intimate moments with her. The best way to get to know someone is when their friends aren’t around.
Make Her Feel Special
Ladies love surprises. However, you may want to be a little more creative with this. It doesn’t have to be super expensive. It’s more about how much effort and thought you put in.
For example, you noticed how she kept on replaying a certain song on her playlist. Assuming you can play the guitar, you’ll learn the chords of this song, record it, and make her listen to it. You might be wondering, “Do girls get attracted to guys who play guitar?” Absolutely! A serenade can never fail.
Show You’re Faithful
You must show your loyalty by not giving the other ladies the same level of attention you’re giving her. Be genuine with your intentions. Extend emotional support whenever she is down and in need of encouragement. Your woman should feel valued and chosen every day. If you two had a disagreement, try to resolve it right away. Make her feel like she can always rely on you.
By applying these tips on how to make her like you, we’re confident you will have a lady wrapped around your arms in no time. Because each woman is unique, what works for one woman may not work for another. Just remember to relax, take your time, and put in the effort. As author Simon Jacobson puts it, “Ultimately, every effort does bear fruit.”
Aguirre, L. (2020). “Why Being Yourself Is Your Best Option.” Psychology Today.
Mount Elizabeth Hospitals. (2020). “The Science Behind Why We Fall in Love.”,us%20butterflies%20in%20our%20tummies.