What Do Women Want in a Man? A Guide to Your Dating Woes

What do women want in a man? It starts with understanding your relationship needs.
What do women want in a man?
Is it stability? A kind heart? Emotional maturity?
There have been countless declarations of how women are complicated creatures and that they’re not worth putting up with. However, men who make such declarations are usually the same men who often use the “I’m not ready for a relationship” card.
A lot of the time, men don’t understand women because they don’t care to. They just want to live a peaceful life with someone who will love and support them through thick and thin. Never mind dealing with individual differences and making compromises.
We all know that’s not how relationships work. So we’re here to encourage you not to throw in the towel just yet. In fact, this guide may even make your dating life easier (or at least a little less complicated).
Attracting the Right Woman Mindset
What makes a woman desire a man sexually?
Every man wants to know the answer to that. But you’re skipping the basics. You don’t want to attract a woman mainly for sexual desires. You want to attract good character, commitment, and compassion as well.
The truth is that some women will be attracted to you for your money and nothing more. You want to avoid those types of women.
A woman who is willing to build a future with you is what you need, so that’s the type of woman you want to attract.
So when you start dating one, get to know her.
Because the reality is that some men think with their eyes. They like what they see and go for it. But when it gets to the nitty-gritty, they tend to fall back on the idea that at least she’s “hot” or she’s “young”.
This is a very common mistake among inexperienced men or men who can’t seem to understand why they always end up dating “the wrong one”.
So it’s not just about “what do women want in a man”. It’s also about “what can I do to attract the right woman”.
That being said, here’s what you need to do:
Determine your deal breakers.
Know how to talk to women.
Always respond to rejection with grace.
Sounds simple, doesn’t it? Let’s expound.
Deal Breakers
This is where you identify and understand what it is you’re looking for in a relationship. It’s easy to say you want someone attractive and affectionate. But how often do you take the time to understand your needs before getting involved with someone else?
It helps to know what you’re willing to tolerate. Once you find those little red flags at the beginning of the relationship or while you’re still dating, you have two options: address them or look the other way.
The former is ideal because what if those red flags can be fixed? What if the person just needs a little nudge in the right direction? Sure, it’s not your job to do that, but if you get used to not wanting to deal with things, how can you learn to be a better partner?
How to Talk to Women

Do you know how to compliment a girl without sounding like a creep?
Do you know what questions to ask a girl to get to know her?
Do you know how to compliment a girl?
If you feel like you don’t know how to talk to women, the solution is very simple. You practice.
With friends, colleagues, siblings, or even strangers. You don’t have to be attracted to them. The point is that once you get used to talking to women in general, approaching one you like won’t be as nerve-racking.
When you practice, pay attention to what topics these women are interested in. Notice their tone of voice and body language. Take mental notes of what conversation starters work and which ones come off as tacky or cheesy.
Also, don’t hesitate to ask for feedback! You’ll need all the help you can get.
Handle Rejection with Grace
Will a girl be attracted to patience?
Do women notice when you level up?
These are the kinds of questions you should ask yourself. Not . . .
Will she think I’m hot?
Does my hair look okay?
While physical appearances matter, character also leaves a lasting impression. The same applies when you get rejected.
So you weren’t her type. Or maybe she’s taken. Or maybe she’s not looking to date at the moment.
Don’t sweat it. Simply smile and say thank you. Then walk away. No need to wallow in despair. You gave it a shot and that’s all that matters.
Just know that whenever someone rejects you, it just means that you’re meant to be with someone better for you. It’s not the end of the world.
Acting like a true gentleman even in the face of rejection will never go out of style.
So What Do Women Want in a Man?
There’s truth in the saying “Be the kind of person you want to attract”. Simply stick with your non-negotiables and work on being the best version of yourself.
You don’t want a woman who complains a lot or mindlessly spends money on material things, do you?
One of the reasons it’s so hard to find the answer to the age-old question “what do women want in a man?” is because you get so busy trying to meet their needs and fail to see that they’re not meeting yours.
There should be a fair trade in every relationship. Men may provide in terms of finance and security, women may provide in terms of homemaking. Other arrangements work too, as long as both partners contribute something for each other.
In other words, there’s nothing wrong with figuring out what women want in a man. But to get started on the right foot, you need to know what kind of woman you need in your life.
This way, it will be easier for you to filter out women who don’t meet your preferences. The key here is not to settle for the sake of having a girlfriend or partner. You deserve to be with someone who understands your wants, needs, and desires.
Another way to put it is don’t just look for someone who will love you. Look for someone you’ll be happy to love for the rest of your life.